IV Edición de la Seatrade Latin America Cruise Convention

La cuarta edición de la Seatrade Latin America Cruise Convention tendrá lugar en el puerto de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, en el próximo 2 y 3 de Setiembre. El Evento vuelve a Brasil después de haber circulado por la Región, donde se celebró en Sao Paulo en 2011, Buenos Aires en 2012 y Valparaíso en 2013. Es la primera vez que tendrá lugar en Rio de Janeiro.

El megaencuentro cuenta con el apoyo de SeTur - Secretaria de Estado de Turismo, TurisRio – Companhia de Turismo do Municipio do Rio de Janeiro, RIOTUR – La Secretaría de Turismo del Municipio, y Embratur entre otras autoridades.

El paquete de la conferencia dará a los delegados acceso a dos días enteros de debate y comentarios con los líderes de la industria, entrada a la exhibición y meriendas para contactarse en ambos días.

Los dos días de conferencia, la exhibición y el programa social se enfocarán en el desarrollo de la industria de cruceros en América Latina abordando oportunidades y desafíos que incluyen aumentar las fuentes y el número de pasajeros, el desarrollo de nuevos itinerarios y excursiones en tierra, y el desarrollo de puertos.


Programa de la Conferencia 2014

Martes 2 de Septiembre de 2014

Discursos de Apertura y Charla Magistral

"Desarrollo del Turismo de Cruceros en América Latina – El Camino a Seguir"


La conferencia se abre en dos grupos.

Habrá un coffee break a media tarde.

Grupo de la Tarde: A

Turismo de Cruceros y los Beneficios para la región – América Latina como Destino. (Parte 1)

Atraer las Crecientes Recaladas Internacionales
Desarrollo de Nuevos Itinerarios
Crucero de Expediciones
Cruceros Fluviales

Grupo de la Tarde: B

Operaciones y Logística: Desafíos a la Expansión. (Parte 1)

Costos Operacionales
Carga Impositiva
Manejo de Pasajeros
Emisión de Visas

Cóctel de Recepción y Cena de Gala

Miércoles 3 de Septiembre de 2014

Grupo de la Mañana A

Turismo de Cruceros y los Beneficios para la Región – América Latina como Destino: 

(Parte 2)

Desarrollo de Nuevos Puertos y Destinos
Desarrollo de Gestión y Mejora de Oportunidades SHOREX
Marketing de Destinos y Productos

Grupo de la Mañana B

Operaciones y Logística: Desafíos a la Expansión (Parte 2)

Infraestructura de Puertos
Desarrollo de Terminales
Desarrollo de Home Port

Habrá un break a media mañana y almuerzo

Grupo de la Tarde A

América Latina – Un Mercado Fuerte En Desarrollo para Pasajeros Cruceros y Expediciones:

Promoción de Cruceros a la Región
Estacionalidad, Creación de Destinos para Todo el Año
Busca de Nuevos Pasajeros
Desarrollo de Nuevos Productos

Grupo de la Tarde B

Operaciones y Logística: Desafíos a la Expansión (Parte 3)

Abastecimiento de Naves
Desarrollo de Ingresos a Bordo
Temas Regulatorios y Ambientales



Reserve su lugar para la conferencia. Además usted recibirá una entrada VIP para la espectacular Cena de Gala  en el reconocido mundialmente Pan de Azúcar.

Para mayor información, CONTACTE A Nicola Bateman, Gerente de Eventos: nbateman@seatrade-global.com




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42 North Station Road
Colchester, Essex
United Kingdom

Tel:+44 1206 545121
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For more information please contact Christophe Cahen, Regional Manager, +57 317 501 69 44, Seatradeccahen@seatrade-global.com

Maritime experts to debate regional prospects with global trade set to grow 4.5% in 2014

International and regional industry leaders at Seatrade’s biannual Middle East conference to address key challenges facing regional maritime sector as global trade picks-up

The opportunities and challenges faced by the Middle East maritime industry as world trade continues to grow steadily will top the agenda at the upcoming three-day Seatrade Middle East Maritime exhibition and conference (SMEM), which takes place at the Dubai International Conference & Exhibition Centre from 28-30 October 2014 under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President & Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

“According to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), world trade growth of 4.5% is expected this year, which although slower than the 5% previously forecast, it is still nearly double the 2.5% growth expected for 2013. The WTO added that conditions for improved trade are gradually falling into place, although the past few years of sluggish trade growth had reinforced the need to make progress in the multilateral negotiations,” said Chris Hayman, Chairman of organisers, Seatrade.

GCC trade continues to record a surplus - US$558 billion in 2012 (Saudi Arabia accounting for almost half of that figure) and it is estimated the GCC trade surplus hit at least US$492 billion last year.  In 2012, GCC exports topped US$1 trillion for the first time, double that of 2009, a third of which was exported from UAE ports. Hydrocarbons represented US$ 692 billion or almost 70% of the total export value.

“Given the global economic backdrop, these are impressive figures, the GCC is now the 12th largest economy in the world reaching US$1.56 trillion in 2012 according to the National Bank of Abu Dhabi,” added Hayman.

More encouraging economic data came from the IMF, which claimed that the global economy will grow by 3.7% this year and 3.9% next year. However it is an uneven recovery, with the EU only growing by 1% this year and 1.4% next year, dragged down by the weaker southern European economies.

“With more than 90% of worldwide trade moving by sea, these economic pointers fare well for the region’s shipping industry which remains a vital part of commercial activity. Even if the Eurozone continues to produce anaemic growth, it is hardly likely to hurt the oil exporters in the Gulf countries because the Eurozone sources the majority of its hydrocarbons from Russia and West Africa,” said Hayman.

To address these and other key industry issues, SMEM will bring together a panel of maritime industry leaders, influential economists as well as shipping analysts. These experts will provide critical insight into what the future holds for trade patterns, energy demand and supply, investment, mergers and acquisitions, infrastructure and their effect on the regional maritime industry, short to medium term.

This year’s Seatrade Middle East Maritime will be its seventh edition and is now firmly established as the largest event of its kind in the regional calendar. Over 7,000 participants are expected to attend along with 240 exhibitors covering more than 4,350 square metres of exhibition space. New this year will be Offshore Marine, a dedicated vertical which will add another sector of interest.

For more information please log on to www.seatrade-middleeast.com.

About Seatrade

Established over 40 years ago, Seatrade is a leader in maritime and cruise publications, conferences and exhibitions, training, awards and other special projects. Regular events include international trade exhibitions and conferences across all maritime sectors, management training courses for shipping professionals, training seminars for travel agents and maritime award schemes, including the prestigious Seatrade Awards held at the Guildhall in London. Seatrade publications include magazines, supplements and yearbooks, while daily maritime news is provided online by seatrade-global.com and seatrade-insider.com.

For further information: Emma Howell, Head of Marketing, Middle East, Seatrade. Tel: +44 1206 545121; Email: ehowell@seatrade-global.com.

